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2024-07-09 21:27:40   来源:威海传媒网   


From the very moment of our birth,numbers quietly weave themselves into our lives.Among all numbers,“ten” holds a unique charm and meaning.It is a symbol of completeness and perfection,it serving as the key to counting and measurement,in between lies infinite unknowns and choices,where the world’s diversityand beauty are connected.


"Ten", with its horizontal and vertical lines,mirrors cultural communication,existing in harmonious coexistence.The beauty of a harmonious blend lies in the mixture of different flavors.Harmony in diversity, beauty in unity,joining hands to write a new chapter in advancing world civilization!


上一篇:#第十届尼山世界文明论坛新闻发布会 分论坛国际学者比例达到50% 尼山对话“国际范儿”

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